Author name: Rodmaps

Rodmaps is above all the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends passionate about fishing. Since our childhood, our passion drives us to travel through France and to travel around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and make people discover the joys of this sport around us, because yes, fishing is a sport!

Amberjack ... Amber amberjack

Hello enthusiasts. Today I'm going to introduce you to a fish that can be found in our French Mediterranean waters, but which is also present in the Mediterranean.

Kevin from Feeling Fishing

Find out more about Kevin, a key figure in the Feeling Fishing YouTube channel created 5 years ago.

Have you ever heard of Bonefish? Translated as "bone fish" or banana fish. Its scientific name is "Albula vulpes".

Tarpon: the silver king

Hello readers, today we're going to talk to you about a fish known for its aerial capabilities, the "megalops atlanticus", commonly known as the "megalops atlanticus".

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