Categories: Lures

The 10 best types of black bass lures

With the profusion of gear currently available on the market, it can sometimes be difficult for a novice angler to be able to correctly select a black-bass lure. Many factors must also be taken into consideration in order to trigger the attack of this fabulous fish: weather, season, temperature, configuration of the stream, etc.

In order to enlighten you in your selection, we have decided to Share the 10 best types of black bass lures and their uses.

1. The Worm: A finesse black bass lure

En anglais ce mot veut dire « vers ». Les Worns imitent comme leur nom l’indique toutes sortes de lombrics. Pour toutes les pêches dites « finesses », les worms vous seront très utiles et sont d’excellents leurres pour la pêche du black-bass.

They are suitable for suspicious and overfished fish. In order to use them at best, you will need to have spotted the usual passage of certain fish.

The goal is to throw the worm in front of the nose of the black bass and let it sink. It will then be irresistible during the casting. For the assembly, there are a lot of options: Wacky, weightless, texas rig, neko rig etc ...


The Senko by Gary Yamamoto is probably one of the oldest worms on the European market and certainly one of the most effective black-bass lures on the market. We advise you to use it in weightless with a classic Texan hook or a Texan "Widegap" hook.

DEPS Deathadder 6

The Deathadder by Deps est selon nous le worm qui déclenche le mieux les très gros black-bass ! Armez-le aussi en weightless. Il sera l’arme ultime aux abords des herbiers denses. Il faudra l’animer de manière très lente, le twitcher doucement sur le fond. Les touches ne se feront pas attendre.

Swamp Mover KIDNEYS

Ce modèle s’adapte parfaitement sur les montages wacky. Piquez le le Swamp Mover in the middle of the blister with a special wacky hook.

DoLive Stick OSP

The material used by OSP is simply incredible with this lure. The suppleness and viscosity of the Dolive Stick dépassent tout ce qui à déjà été conçu dans le monde du leurre. C’est un leurre très dense, qui nage tout seul à la descente.

It is possible to mount it with almost any technique. However, I have a soft spot for the drop shot and the weightless. In wacky, add a lead or tungsten insert in the head of the lure. This will give the impression that the worm is trying to get into the ground at the bottom of the water.

2. The stickbait : The typical surface black bass lure

Called pencil lure for English speakers, the stickbait is the black bass lure which generally gives the most thrills because the attacks are visible to the fisherman. Something that can put us in a state of instant defibrillation! Stickbaits that have regular swimming and hybrids with more erratic swimming.

We will use them when the water temperature is above 17 °, although this is not an exact science. If you are in an environment where bleaks abound, the use of stickbaits will prove fatal if the black bass are chasing them.

Justine 115 EVERGREEN

The Justine d’Evergreen is a 115mm stickbait without balls! It swims by itself. Everyone will be able to slider it effortlessly across the surface. A dense structure that will allow you to cast very far and will trigger attacks from large specimens.

Sammy 100 LuckyCraft

The Sammy est le stickbait emblématique qui à fait découvrir la pêche en surface sur tous les continents. C’est un leurre à black-bass à avoir absolument dans votre boite de pêche.

Brachiostick DEPS

A very long body, a serious sound, profiled to be launched far and armed with OWNER ST46, it will take very large specimens! When you stop the animation, this lure will vibrate on the spot thanks to a spring system located inside its structure: a unique lure for black-bass.

Honcho Pencil JABBERS

A stickbait that stands vertically during the break. Equipped with a single ball, this finnesse stickbait of 85mm can be used as well in casting as in spinning. A choice of original colors that black bass will not fail to taste.

3. The popper

We will use them under the same conditions as the family of stickbaits with a few details ready. Since it is a type of black bass lure that we use slowly, it is essential to fish with it in areas where fish come frequently.

Il est possible de faire du « powerfishing » avec des stickbaits, en revanche cela se complique avec les poppers. J’ai aussi une préférence pour les utiliser quand il n’y a pas de vent, dans des zones abritées ou encaissées.

Louder 50 OSP

The Louder 50 d’OSP est un mini popper à forte sonorité et muni d’un plumeau sur le triple arrière. Vous pouvez lui faire faire un bruit de bulle avec des tirées franches. Il permet de déclencher de beaux spécimens dans les bois morts.

Louder 70 OSP

Identical to its little brother mentioned above, you can also give it a "walking the dog" stroke in addition to its popping action. The pointed and elongated upper jaw of the Louder 70 va lui procurer un son unique dans l’univers des poppers.

Yellow Magic Dairitsu

An exception among poppers, Japanese design and hand-painted paintings. An unusual sound that will make the very pretty black-bass crack.

4. Softs jerks/ Softs shad: for congested areas

This lure family will allow you to explore crowded and very loaded places such as piles of dead wood, submerged forest, wood / concrete pontoons, various structures, scree etc ...

Super Fluke 5.25 ZOOM

The Super Fluke est un soft jerk que vous allez pouvoir faire valser rapidement ou lentement. Il est possible de le monter en weightless, texan, drop shot etc… Une valeur sûre dans beaucoup de conditions climatiques et géographiques. Sûrement le meilleur rapport qualité/prix du marché dans les softs jerkbaits.

Fluke 4 ZOOM

The little brother just as effective as the 5.25, a difference in size to be adapted according to the conditions and the desires of the fish. A wide range of colors available. Unmissable !!!

DoLive Shad OSP

Comme à son habitude OSP à utilisé sa matière magique sur cette petite tuerie qu’est le Dolive Shad. A Monter sur tête plombée pour ratisser les extérieurs ou les falaises, en texan pour passer dans les obstacles ou en weightless sur des poissons à vue. Il s’adapte dans la plupart des pêches. MAGIQUE!

Big Spanish bass seduced by the Doliveshad OSP

Sakamata shad

Disponible en plusieurs tailles mais cela reste la plupart du temps de bonnes bouchées. Nous l’utilisons en 6 et 8 pouces. Le the most soaring sofjerk thanks to the little wings on the sides of its head. A must-have!

Sakamata 8inch DEPS

5. Craws and Creatures

This type of lure will allow you to target black bass in under activity, when the waters are cold for example, in a lethargic state or even if they are just resting. The goal is to scrape the bottom slowly like a crayfish would. You can usually pair these lures with rubbers jigs to increase their attractiveness.

DoLive Craw OSP

It is for us the most realistic crayfish on the current market, OSP has still done miracles with it. The dolive craw is a big bass magnet in texas rig or trailer on a jig.


A lure with a single stroke, during large pulls the SSGILL will descend in a spiral while waving its double tail like a swimmer. Very effective in Japan on bass over 60cm archi educated. It has already proved its worth in France with the specialists of French big bass.

Brush Hog ZOOM

The first imposing creature to hit the French market a decade ago. A must in scratching bass fishing. A dense and thin body that will pass through the different types of branches and obstacles.

DEPS twintail deathadder

A twist-shaped, double-tailed creature. Possible to use it in texas rig, weightless and even on the surface in buzzing grub !! This lure makes big fish move, but at the same time it is DEPS, so nothing surprising coming from the designer OKUMURA KASUMAZA.

Heikenagi craw PITCH & STRIKE

Une écrevisse très dense avec laquelle la pêche en « slideback » est particulièrement efficace dans les structures. Elle à été conçue par un ami et c’est un véritable passionné du black-bass. Le produit est tout simplement incroyable.

6. The spinnerbait: The all-terrain black-bass lure

Usually we use spinnerbaits when the wind is blowing very hard. The metal paddles make black-bass react very well in windy conditions, but not only ...

Fishing for obstacles, grass beds and structures is done relatively well with powerfishing. Indeed, the hook hides relatively well because it is protected by the upper part of the spinnerbait. Then, it is a question of adapting to the conditions to choose the color, the form, the thickness and the cut pallets. There is also the color, the grammage and the form of the main head.

B-Custom DEPS

A very solid and relatively compact spinnerbait even with heavy grammages. Unbreakable on black bass, it will be an excellent ally during your powerfishing fishing.

High pitcher OSP

It is the easiest model to use, available in relatively light weights, perfect on educated fish, it does not pull in the rod because the thickness of the pallets is very thin. An excellent model for fine prospecting fishing. In terms of design, we notice a hyper realistic head, a very flexible skirt, a fine iron hook but particularly strong.

Huge 68cm bass captured by Kenshin at the OSP High Pitcher

Super Delta Force EVERGREEN

For the Rodmaps team, this is the best spinnerbait on the market !!! A study of many years has been made on this lure to achieve perfection, especially in the 7gr grammage. It launches very far, its metal frame is conical unlike all spinnerbaits which are cylindrical. A triangular head which associated with its frame allows the spinnerbait to be recovered as quickly as possible without it dropping out of the water or getting in the way.

Sylvain and his biggest bass of the stay at Super Delta Force EVERGREEN

7: The Cranckbaits and Lipless

This is my favorite fishing. Bringing cranckbaits back along the cliffs or going down the seagrass breaks and being stopped dead is synonymous with happiness! Very effective during light breezes, cloudy weather and water temperature around 16 °. The use of a fiberglass will be optimal for fishing whole days with cranckbait without hurting the wrist.

The big crancks part

Blitz Max OSP

Whether it's the DR or MR version, this high vibration cranckbait will keep you happy when fish are active. Its density is made thanks to the design of the honeycomb body designer by Toshinari Namiki, allows to have a light lure but which launches very far. A little crush for the Fire Tiger color for evening shots.

Geoffrey and his Blitz Max OSP, a story that is likely to last

Evokes 4.0 DEPS

The biggest Japanese cranckbait, intended for huge black-bass, Fishing with this lure will be very hard on the mind because its imposing size risks only raising the very big ones. An impressive rolling but a suitable rod will still be necessary.

The one there with the eyes bigger than the belly: Evoke 4.0 DEPS

F-Sonic DEPS

A lipless with a bib, the F-Sonic is a unique black bass lure in its design. The F-Sonic rarely hooks up even when passing through dead woods. Very useful in fast obstacle fishing.

Fred treats us at F-SONIC DEPS

Geronimo from Jackall

A cranck in Balsa, without marbles, and which goes up like a cork at the break. This will allow you to fish very quickly over obstacles!

8. Jerkbait and longbill : the most versatile black-nass lure

A category of lures under used for my taste. And yet nothing looks more like a fish than a jerkbait. It is surely the most versatile type of lure because you can do power fishing but also fish very slowly. Then, it is necessary to adapt the shape, the size and the color according to the environment and the feeding of the fish at the moment “T”. If you find the right one, the box is insured!

Small selection of jerks!

Vision 95 Megabass

Certainly the most advanced design in the history of the black-bass lure and the lure itself.Yuki Ito was doing wonders at the time, and the vision is surely his finest creation! In addition, when you stop the animation, this hardbait continues its rolling for half a second.

B 'Freeze LuckyCraft

The first jerkbait to catch so many beautiful fish in all climatic and geographic conditions. It is always timeless! “Designed” by the famous Seïji Kato a few decades ago, this jerkbait will still give you so much sensation in the rod… enjoy!

Balisong DEPS

A proportionate jerkbait that launches very far even against the wind. It has been shown to be decisive in herbarium areas on many predators around the world.

A bass crusing which came to intercept the Balisong DEPS

9. The Frog : the special herbarium black-bass lure

The only type of lure that allows you to fish on very dense seagrass beds. All the bass posted in these will be happy to make you demonic aspirations through the thick green layer! High-end action rods will be needed to properly hook the fish.

Private chat to capture a big bass

Poppin Furbit Frog Optimum

An American version of the popper frog. It has the deepest cup, which gives it the loudest popping noise ever seen for a frog.

Popper Frog Evergreen

A very strong frog with strong iron hooks. A thud, an original and funny design, with Japanese finishes. An excellent and well-designed product.

Adrien gets his EVERGREEN popper frog shut up

Basirisky by DEPS

The most famous Frog on the market because of its crawler shape. She has a unique stroke. A perfectly presented hook allows for an excellent ratio of hooked fish. Choose your size: 50,60,70 As you want!

Vidda is in good shape thanks to his Basirisky aqua marine DEPS

10. The Swimbait : the lure dedicated to big black-bass

Swimbaits are intended for hunting large specimens. They are generally effective at the start and end of the season when the fish do not want to let large prey pass.

Swimbaits Army

ES DRIVE Evergreen

An amplitude just as important as the ES FLAT but flows extremely smoothly. Model which allows to fish marked spots. He is irresistible!

ES FLAT Evergreen

You can cranck it by bringing it back in a straight line. It has a very ample stroke which makes it possible to send distress signals at great distances. The fish react very well when the carp start to spawn.


Hightsider DEPS

A very balanced swim that never stalls. A heavy model that will only take off the golgoths, if you have a touch on it, be careful it may sting the eyes!

Hightsider, a safe bet

Fishing is still an inexact science, however Rodmaps tries to share his experience with you. Do not hesitate to complete this article with your top lures.

Useful links :

Which fishing rod to choose according to the lure used?

Learn to fish with a fishing guide

Start lure fishing


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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