Categories: Fish

Have you ever heard of Bonefish? Translated as "bone fish" or banana fish. Its scientific name is "Albula vulpes".

The Rodmaps team had the chance to cross paths with them in Mexico in 2013, on the island of Socotra in 2014 and in Belize in 2016.


Bonefish morphology

Bonefish are modestly sized fish that can grow to around 1 meter in length for around 10 kilograms maximum. This fish has many distinctive signs, such as its color which turns between white and silver.

It is therefore very difficult to see when the reverberation is strong. We advise you to equip yourself with a good pair of polarized glasses. It is a fish that feeds on the bottom, in constant search of crustaceans, larvae, shells and small fish. Its upper jaw is larger than the lower part, which is perfect for finding all its prey.

Want to fish for bonefish?

The first step is to fish the right areas. Usually this fish loves to search the sandy shoals near the coast. Discretion is the key word for its research.

He is particularly wary and attentive to the impact of lures that fall into the water. It is a question of being patient and precise, which requires a lot of technicality in the execution of the throw. A good way to also know where to throw, is to locate the areas where the crabs are, generally close to the rocks but while remaining on the sand.

Suitable material for bonefish

For most bonefish, light rods will be enough to surprise them, since you have to fish with small lures. We advise you to take some models of our travel rods:

For the lures, here is a small selection chosen by us:

  • OSP Dolive Shrimp 3 ″
  • OSP Dolive Stick 3 ″
  • OSP zero synchro oven 1.2gr
  • Kidney Ring Shrimp 3 ″
  • Rockvibe shad 2 ″ from Kidneys
  • MEPPS Aglia n ° 1 silver
  • DEPS RR rubberjig 5gr
  • EVERGREEN microjig C-4jig 2.7gr / 3.3gr or 3.8gr
  • SPRO bucktail jig 5gr and 7gr
Placement of a ring on a bonefish.


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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