You wish find out more about lure fishing techniques ? Do you want to improve your technique, your approach or simply discover new ones? Then look no further! You can find here tous articles traitant de l’ensemble des techniques de pêche au leurre, en mer ou en eau douce, et ce pour n’importe quel type de carnassier.
Le montage drop shot pour le sandre est une technique de pêche redoutable qui a révolutionné la façon de pêcher…
The casting jig is a versatile and ultra fearsome lure for all carnivorous fish (perch, black-bass, pike-perch, trout, sea bass, etc.) from...
For those of you who have never tried micro jigging on a pole, take the plunge! You'll be surprised...
Pike fishing in winter is a unique experience, but one that is also very demanding. In fact, although winter...
Pike fishing is an exciting adventure for many anglers. One of the most effective rigs for targeting...
With so many different types of soft lure on the market, it can be difficult, especially for a novice angler, to...
Surface lure fishing is one of the most fun and entertaining forms of fishing there is. A...
Fishing with a Texan or Texas Rig is one of the first fishing techniques that every lure angler should master. In...
Carolina or Carolina Rig fishing is a simple but highly effective technique for catching...
Spinnerbait fishing is one of the most versatile and effective lure fishing methods available for all types of fish....