Categories: Fishing knots

Drop shot knot: How to tie a drop shot knot?

The drop shot knot is the fishing knot dedicated exclusively to drop shot fishing. The purpose of this knot is to be able to mount a hook directly on the main line terminated by a sinker, pointing upwards. The drop shot knot therefore allows you to present your lure at the desired depth, all in a natural way. This fishing technique can be very effective, especially on educated fish. Here is an article to show you how to make a drop shot knot.

The drop shot knot

The drop shot node is basically a variation of the palomar node. The subtlety of the drop shot knot will be to ensure that the tip of the hook is positioned upwards.

Here are the steps to make this knot:

  • While holding your hook up, double your line to make a long loop and pass it through the eye of the hook.
  • Tie an overhand knot with the doubled line.
  • Pass the hook through the loop made by the overhand knot.
  • Moisten the wire to avoid chafing and tighten it firmly.
  • Make sure the hook is still facing up.

Once the drop shot knot has been made, add a drop shot lead to the end of the leader.

Here are the steps to make a drop shot knot!

When it comes to fishing gear, it doesn't need to be very sharp to be effective. The most important thing in our opinion is to choose a rod with a strong resonance, equipped with a fairly slow tip so that the fish can attack the lure without feeling any resistance. A good spin in Medium Light will therefore do the trick perfectly.

We advise you to accompany this rod with a reel in size 2500, furnished with a light braid as main line, then with a fluorocarconne at the bottom of the line.

Useful links to complete this article:

Drop shot: Everything you need to know about drop shot fishing

Pike lures: 10 pike lures to have in your box of lures

The 10 best zander lures for winter

The 10 best types of black bass lures

Learn to fish with a fishing guide

Start lure fishing


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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