Leaving from the port of Port Saint Louis du Rhôneembark for a day's fishing on the Rhône Delta with lures. Together, we'll go in search of Wolffish, Liches, Tassergals and other predators at the mouth of the river. The Rhône delta offers an exceptional fishing environment for these fish.
Information about your guide

Located on the Rhône Delta in Port Saint Louis du Rhône, I invite you to discover one of the richest fishing spots on the Mediterranean coast.
Ideally situated on the border between the Camargue and Provence, the mouth of the Rhône is renowned for its RED TUNA fishing, particularly with lures. But that's not its only attraction: this unique and rich biotope attracts and concentrates all the biggest marine predators in the Mediterranean, such as Liches Amies, Loups, Tassergals, Bonites, Espadons, Requins, etc.
I invite you to come on board with me and track down these predators throughout the seasons!
Languages spoken French, English (average level)
- What's included
- Supervision by a professional
- Fishing tackle: rods and reels
- Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
- Travel to the fishing site
- Fishing licence
- Fully equipped and secure boat
- Meals / drinks / snacks
- Picnic
- Drinks

The detailed programme
Meet us at 8.00am for a day of lure fishing in the Rhône Delta.
You'll discover how to fish for wolffish weightless on the banks, top water in the current or buzzing on the grass beds. These fishing techniques are very effective on wolffish. Bassergal are very receptive to poppers and other flappers. We will therefore be looking mainly for surface lures.
However, they are not the only predators attracted by the rich, warm waters of the Rhône Delta. Friendly and glaucous hinds are also present in large numbers and come to take advantage of the many mullets, anchovies, redfish and mackerel on which they feed.
We'll provide you with top-of-the-range equipment. We also provide snacks and drinks.

Further information
For ethical reasons, we encourage the practice of "catch and release".
In order to preserve the populations of friendly liches in the Rhône Delta, they will be fished exclusively on a "catch and release" basis.