Half-day shore fishing in Guadeloupe

This on-board package offers several options: ultralight freshwater fishing in mountain and lowland rivers, fishing along the coastline and fly fishing on the flats. 

The window of opportunity is short, but from the shore you're more tired, especially on the river. It's best to focus on the right times of day.

Information about your guide


Originally from Guadeloupe and a fishing enthusiast from an early age, I offer a quality service.
Guadeloupe offers a diversity of landscapes and ecosystems that is unique in the Caribbean. I'll take you on a tour of these treasures, on foot and aboard my Boston Whaler Montauk guardian 17″, which is perfectly equipped and safe for fishing.
The programme includes jungle river fishing, mangrove and river mouth fishing, flats fishing, beach fishing, wall fishing and coastal trolling.
There's something to suit all tastes, all levels and all generations, and I'll be able to adapt to your needs and meet them with the utmost care.
Fishing is first and foremost my passion, and I'll make sure you go home with the same virus! or just a nice little grin!

Languages spoken French, English, Spanish, Creole


  • What's included
  • Supervision by a professional
  • Fishing tackle: rods and reels
  • Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
  • Camera
  • What to expect
  • Travel to the fishing site
  • Meals / drinks / snacks
  • Fishing clothing

The detailed programme

We'll fish with lures and/or flies according to your wishes and the conditions at the time.

Fly fishing demande de bonnes conditions météorologiques pour être efficace, aussi nous privilégierons les jours de faible vent et de bonne luminosité afin d’optimiser nos chances de réussite. 

Lure fishing en spinning sera privilégiée car elle permet d’aborder une bonne partie des espèces de poissons prédateurs marins et de pratiquer notre passion dans la majorité des conditions.

On the programme:

– Pêche des bonefishs, permits, barracudas et autres poissons coraliens sur les flats

– Pêche des mulets de rivière, dormeurs ainsi que beaucoup d’autres suprises en rivière de montagne et de plaine

– Pêche des snooks, carangues et tarpons le long du littoral 

– Pêche des petits poissons coraliens en rockfishing 

Further information


1 angler: €150

2 anglers: €200

The meeting place will be determined together according to your wishes and the chosen programme.

ps: Un véhicule est vivement recommandé pour se déplacer car je ne fais pas de transport de passagers à bord de mon véhicule personnel, merci de prendre vos dispositions.


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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