
Learn to Fish with a Fishing Guide: Improve with a Professional

What fish to catch? How to fish it? With what material? Which technique to use? What season? In lake, river or sea? These are all questions that you can ask yourself when you are a beginner fisherman or simply a person wishing to learn to fish. 

The majority of fishermen are introduced to this practice from an early age, most often through their family. Some have tried their hand at the fishing club or the association to benefit from the experience of fishermen. Others, more self-taught, prefer books, specialized magazines, DVDs, television channels or Youtube to acquire theoretical knowledge.

Cependant, on oublie souvent que l’on peut aussi prendre des leçons auprès d’un moniteur guide de pêche de sa région ou lors de ses départs en vacances pour apprendre à pêcher. Rien de tel que la pratique pour apprendre fly fishing, lure fishing or sea fishing.

Surrounding yourself with a fishing guide is a quick and above all very effective solution to discover and learn about fishing.

The fishing guide, the best way to learn to fish quickly and efficiently

Beyond his passion for fishing, a fishing instructor-guide is above all a state-certified professional. In addition to his own experience as a fisherman, his training will have enabled him to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to supervise several people to learn to fish or improve in a fishing technique.

Some of them have also chosen to specialize in a technique, a given environment or even a particular species. Their skill level is therefore increased and can meet your desires, whether you are a novice or even experienced fisherman.

These professionals have chosen to make their passion their profession. Their goal is to transmit their knowledge, experience, techniques but also their natural and fishing heritage, while demonstrating pedagogy to help you progress as quickly as possible.

What better way to be able to learn to fish than to do so in the company of an enthusiast who has made fishing his profession and who wishes to pass on his knowledge to anyone wishing to try his hand at this sport.

How do I find a fishing guide that meets my expectations?

Now that you have decided to go with a fishing guide, all that remains is to find the one who will meet your expectations. To find this person, Rodmaps offers you to base yourself on selection criteria that meet your level and your expectations, such as:

– Geographical location: whether it is the city, the department or the region

– Your level of fishing: beginner, intermediate or advanced

– The duration of the desired guidance: from the evening to several days

– The desired fishing technique if you have one in mind: lure fishing, fly fishing, big game fishing, …

– The type of fish you want to catch: trout, predators, sea bass, tuna or carp

– The middle: In lake, river or sea

Do not hesitate to play with all the filters to find the shoe that suits you!
The internal messaging system will allow you to ask any questions you deem useful to clarify about the proposed guidance offers in order to definitively validate your choice.

Whether you are an amateur or an experienced fisherman, finding a fishing guide in France to learn how to fish is now accessible to everyone.


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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