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Kevin from Feeling Fishing

Discover the portrait of Kevin, a key figure on the Feeling Fishing Youtube channel, created 5 years ago with his friend Dedz and now working at The Fisher Box.

Hello Kevin, for those who don't know you, could you briefly introduce yourself?

Hello, my name is Kevin, I'm 30 years old. I now live in Toulouse and I am originally from Narbonne. I am currently working at The Fisher Box

Where did your passion for fishing come from?

So this passion started with Jordan, with whom I still have the Feeling Fishing channel. His parents have a house in Ariège and we tried to fish in the lake by making rotten mounts, and as corn bait. But we didn't really know what we were doing.

What does fishing represent for you today?

Today fishing is a passion but it is not the only one. I try to juggle but it remains my passion for relaxation. I take my rod to go trout, to fish alone with or without fish. Really to de-stress.

What techniques do you practice at the water's edge?

I only fish lures, and particularly trout with artificial lures.

What is your favorite fish?

The trout but also the chub for its ultra fun and exciting fishing.

Peux-tu nous en dire un peu plus sur la chaine Feeling Fishing et qu’est-ce qui vous a poussé à faire cela avec Jordan?

Cela remonte à 5ans. On avait vu une vidéo de « les poissons et les pêcheurs », on a trouvé étrange qu’une vidéo de pêche puisse faire de la vue. On a donc acheté une GoPro, j’ai fait un tuto vraiment pas top sur la pêche des cranckbaits. S’il y a des curieux vous pouvez retrouver cette vidéo au tout début de la chaîne. Elle a très bien marché au nombre de vues, tout s’est enchaîné et nous avons évolué très rapidement.

What is your greatest pride today behind Feeling Fishing?

It is to have succeeded in reaching the level of Feeling Fishing today, because we did it in fun mode and shared passion. Here we are at 70,000 followers while we have slowed down enormously for 1 year. And I'm very proud to have brought together so many people through this channel and our passion.

Tu travailles également chez The Fisher Box, pourrait tu nous en dire un peu plus sur ton rôle au sein de cette jeune start up?

I take care of all the after-sales service, the management of the E-shop, the marketing campaigns (facebook ads and google adwords), the management of the manufacture of the boxes and the coordination of transport and shipping.

Why did you choose to work at The Fisher Box?

My previous experience was selling in an online fishing store, which helped me choose this start-up. I am quite refractory to large companies where it is difficult to move forward. The Fisher Box with a lot of future. It's very motivating and there are still a lot of things to do to progress. I also add the geographical situation which brings me closer to my origins.

Any future projects you would like to tell us about?

Right now we can't really talk about the future, I'm trying to focus on The Fisher Box and see what the future will tell us.

Toi qui vient d’arriver dans notre ville depuis peu, quelles sont tes impressions sur Toulouse et sur son potentiel de pêche ?

I have the advantage of knowing a little bit, and in terms of fishing, the Canal du Midi is stuffed! All species are present and I do not remember having taken a hood on this channel. The Garonne is excellent for larger fish. The Ariège is just next door, for me who likes to fish for trout, I'm served.

Y aurait-il une technique de pêche que tu souhaiterais découvrir avec les guides de pêche de chez Rodmaps?

Yes ! A rather old technique which is the handled minnow. Because when I was in Auvergne, I fished with sponsos from WOF who gave me a hard time at the start of the season. I made a fish with lures for fifteen handled minnows.

A fishing anecdote to tell us?

It's indirect with fishing, but if Jordan reads the article, he might laugh! While going fishing in Ariège, a long time ago, he had a magnificent Clio 2 that was all rotten, and stupid as I am, in a straight line I had fun pulling the handbrake on him. Dedz also pull the handbrake but in a turn! Quite logically the tragedy happened. He spun, he managed to park in a big bush without ever managing to get free. We had to call a tow truck.


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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