Categories: Fishing guide

Fishing for friendly doe in the Rhône Delta

Come and discover fishing for friendly liche in the Rhône Delta. The friendly cuttlefish is an emblematic fish of the Rhône Delta (the world record for cuttlefish was set in the Rhône Delta). A member of the trevally family, friendly liches can weigh over 40 kilos. Fishing for the friendly liche in the Rhône Delta is as fascinating as it is disconcerting. A real ghost, this fish can be as violent as it is discreet!

If you have a mind of steel, I invite you to discover and try your luck at a liche fishing session in the Mediterranean.

Information about your guide


Located on the Rhône Delta in Port Saint Louis du Rhône, I invite you to discover one of the richest fishing spots on the Mediterranean coast.
Ideally situated on the border between the Camargue and Provence, the mouth of the Rhône is renowned for its RED TUNA fishing, particularly with lures. But that's not its only attraction: this unique and rich biotope attracts and concentrates all the biggest marine predators in the Mediterranean, such as Liches Amies, Loups, Tassergals, Bonites, Espadons, Requins, etc.
I invite you to come on board with me and track down these predators throughout the seasons!

Languages spoken French, English (average level)

  • What's included
  • Supervision by a professional
  • Fishing tackle: rods and reels
  • Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
  • Bait
  • Travel to the fishing site
  • Fishing licence
  • Fully equipped and secure boat
  • Meals / drinks / snacks
  • Drinks

The detailed programme

Boarding from the Port of Port Saint Louis du Rhône bound for the Delta.

The friendly liche can be fished with lures and livebaits, but it is with lures that we look for them first.

A lich weighing several dozen kilos attacking a popper is a thrilling moment that will stay with you forever!

Particularly fond of warm waters, the fishing season is very busy. starts in late spring with the installation of heat. So, logically, it comes to an end before the arrival of winter and the cold.

The best time to fish for Liche amie in the Mediterranean is from June to November.

Further information

As part of our responsible approach and in order to preserve the liche population in the Rhone Delta as much as possible, we fish in the " CATCH AND RELEASE !".


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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