Lure fishing for trout on the Loue river

Venez vous initier, vous perfectionner ou tout simplement vous faire guider pour une journée de pêche de la truite aux leurres sur cette magnifique rivière qui est la Loue.

La Loue offre un tracé sinueux de 122 Km entre sa source à Ouhans et sa confluence avec le Doubs à Parcey.  La haute vallée de la Loue offre une multitude de bons secteurs pour la pêche. Les noms comme Mouthier-Haute-Pierre, Lods, Ornans ou encore Cléron  sont connus des pêcheurs de truite.

Are you passing through the region, love trout fishing and want to discover this legendary river? Your Fishing Guide is there for you.

I'll be able to help you catch magnificent fario trout that can be over 50 centimetres in length on various courses on the Upper Loue. With soft, hard or metal lures, the trout respond very well throughout the season.

Information about your guide


Fishing guide instructor in the Bourgogne Franche Comt region, passionate about fishing and nature since I was very young.
My aim is to share my passion with children and adults who need guidance to learn some of the intricacies of this passion.

Languages spoken : French

  • What's included
  • Supervision by a professional
  • Fishing tackle: rods and reels
  • Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
  • Picnic
  • Drinks
  • What to expect
  • Travel to the fishing site
  • Fishing licence
  • Fishing clothing
  • Waders
  • Camera
  • Hosting

The detailed programme

Come and discover the different complexities of freshwater fishing. Trout can be caught using a variety of techniques: hard lures, soft lures, flies or natural baits.

This course is designed for those who already know how to cast. During the course we will look at the different lures that can be used to seek out Madame Fario depending on the season and the type of spot being prospected.

Then we'll look at the different animations depending on the lure used. Then the different rods to optimise fishing with each of them.

The Loue is one of the best playgrounds for this type of learning. This river offers us different facies throughout its course, allowing us to exploit each spot differently.

Further information

The different formulas 

Full day (8 hours) : Fishing tackle, lures and lunch included

Half-day (4 hours): Fishing tackle and lures included.

Morning / Evening (2 hours): Fishing tackle and lures included.

The services are sold without: fishing licence, polarized glasses, cap and waders. Don't forget to bring your own.


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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