Discover the portrait of Manon Compan, a new generation of women passionate about fishing.
Hello, my name is Manon Compan and I am from Tarn. I have been fishing since I was 8 and more regularly since I was 12.
I am 22 years old and still am! Today I live off my passion since I work in a store, at L'Italien in Gaillac where I take care of the fishing department from A to Z.
From a young age, my father gave us vice to my brothers and me. Then my big brother, who is really an enthusiast, would take me fishing on a motorbike when he got the license.
When I was 14, I started my pre-apprenticeship with an internship every other week. I had the opportunity to work in a Europeche then I met several well-known people in the fishing world who explained the techniques to me and shared their know-how with me at the water's edge.
The sellers also taught me a lot like Pascal with carp and catfish. Gregory LeFraté at Decathlon as well. He took me under his wing at the water's edge. He taught me a lot about lure trout and predator fishing.
Trout and predators with lures. Carp and occasionally. Catfish, white fish, feeders ...
The lure, only for this moment of solitude, sharing and prospecting, gives nature and dead calm!
I stopped college in 5th because I could not stay still. The lessons it passed me over ... I did not hang! We decided with my parents to try the pre-apprenticeship at CFA every other week.
This allowed me to discover a profession at the age of 14, after having worked in horticulture, at goal, at Euoloisirs 81 and then at Décathlon for 2 years. I went on an apprenticeship for two years at the Albi Decathlon in the Hunting, Fishing, co-sport, world sport and precision sport department.
After 5 years at Decathlon, the boss of the Pacific Fisheries in Aucamville offered me a 35-hour CDI. I signed my contract and 2 months later I resigned to join my cousin who took over the Italian store in Gaillac where I manage the entire fishing department on a permanent contract.
Of course and it's great that a lot of women are interested in this environment which was before a very matcho environment!
In 2012 there were not so many women fishing. At least not on social media. Today, female fishing has taken its place in the French fishing landscape and is nailing the beaks of more than one guy.
The evolution of mentalities yes but also the new generation of women. Today, I have lots of girlfriends who come from basic fishing for some fresh air and a drink.
Then, when you make them catch a fish, the feeling of combat, joy, happiness, success and sharing really turns our heads and brings more and more enthusiasts!
The world of fishing has changed a lot. Whether it is mentalities, equipment, technology, progress ... we do not stop it. But won't one day stagnate?
The questions I also ask concern the internet, counterfeits, sponsorships that sell behind stores, ... With all this, our future children will they still be able to get a box of maggots and a bag of bait in the corner store? or will they order it on Wish?
The aquatic environment is not easy either between the new no kill generation and the old one… There is something for everyone, not to mention the old ones who have been fishing for years but who also share their passions with the little ones.
Your question is complicated. I think back then the pollution we have today was not as great. But they had almost no reserve, no quota and they filled whole potato sacks with fish.
Today a lot of sectors have fair-meshed pike-perch whereas with the new generation we are supposed to have more proportioned fish. Rivers perhaps not adapted to the species? I put a question mark.
It's a friendly job, full of sharing where we learn from everyone. It's not always me who teaches clients. I discover and learn about it every day. Every morning I wake up with a smile. I don't feel like I'm working. It's hard to explain, but I feel at the store almost like at the water's edge!
Do not take a big head, do not see through the wallets, make sure that the customer arrives with a smile and leaves with a smile. Advise him, help him and teach him things.
Think about what he might forget to take so that he doesn't miss anything at the water's edge. Always keep the joie de vivre, the smile, the politeness and a bit of fun! 🙂
In terms of sponsors, I keep the one I have and I am very happy about it. It is not a sponsor but a family!
Competition level, we are organizing the first women's float-tube competition in Gaillac. We already have 7 registered. This contest is more based on meeting, sharing, having fun and promoting female fishing which will take place on Sunday August 25!
The black-bass! It's still my cute sin!
One day a male chauvinist didn't want me to tell him about it at the store. I was a 16 year old girl and for him a kid who had to go play ball! Except my boss told him "Either she tells you or you leave the store!" What do you mean a woman doesn't have to give you advice? " The customer was going to leave the store… then and came back with a trick question to see my answer. After answering him, I continued to educate him for 45 minutes. This gentleman left apologizing for his behavior, shaking my hand and saying: “40 years that I have been fishing and today I see that I have not finished learning. So miss, thank you! "
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