Fly fishing for trout in mountain lakes

The Eastern Pyrenees boast a multitude of mountain lakes at altitudes of over 1000m, teeming with troutFishing here is similar to river fishing in terms of stalking and approach.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to stretch out twenty metres of silk to catch beautiful fish; on the contrary, it's a Sioux style of fishing on the banks. I have chosen some of them for their ease of access and their interesting population of beautiful wild Farios and Rainbows of Bouillouse stock. For anglers with more stamina and who like to hike, I can help them discover more isolated and seldom-frequented spots.

Information about your guide

Emmanuel - fishing guide


As a qualified fishing guide, hydrobiologist (study of aquatic ecosystems), botanist and naturalist by training, I'll be happy to pass on my experience and knowledge of the environments around my favourite routes.
Originally from the Auvergne, I've travelled along many rivers in France and abroad, before finally settling in the magnificent department of the Pyrénées-orientales for the diversity of its landscapes and its wild side.
For beginners and more experienced riders alike, I'll do my utmost to share the sensations that have thrilled me for so many years.

Languages spoken French, English

Video presentation

  • What's included
  •   Supervision by a professional
  •   Fishing tackle: rods and reels
  •   Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
  •   Travel to the fishing site
  • What to expect
  •   Fishing licence
  •   Meals / drinks / snacks
  •   Fishing clothing
  •   Waders
  •   Camera
Fly fishing for trout in mountain lakes

The detailed programme

Come and discover the magnificent lakes of the Pyrénées-Orientales on a tailor-made holiday, where I'll do my utmost to meet all your expectations. You'll be up against the beautiful, fierce Mediterranean trout.

We will cover all aspects of fly fishing:


- Observing and understanding the ecosystem

- Recognising insects and plants

- Reading the water, holding fish

- Trout habits and biology

- Hatching observation

- Adaptation to climatic and environmental conditions

Fly fishing for trout in mountain lakes

The technique:

- Knowledge of equipment

- Throws: straight, backhand, putt...

- Placement and discretion

- Choice of fly

- Knotted leader

- Fly tying

- Different types of fishing: dry, wet, nymph, streamer

- Laying, plucking, mending, drifting, shoeing

Fishing is done in no kill (all fish caught are released and hooks are barbless). French rivers in general are subject to numerous stresses due to human activities (pollution, urbanisation, etc.) and to the effects of climate change. wild trout populations are in decline. We are still lucky enough to have beautiful wild rivers where the trout reproduces naturally. It's our duty to preserve them and carefully return these magnificent fish to their natural habitat.

Further information


1 person250€
2 to 4 people130€/pers
Additional meals13€/pers
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