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Mr and Mrs Fish: a fishing couple!

Discover the portrait of Paul and Mathilde of Mr and Mrs Fish, an exceptional couple who love fishing and live in Guadeloupe. They share with you their background, their philosophy and their future projects ...

Bonjour Mr and Mrs Fish, ou plutôt Paul et Mathilde. Pouvez-vous vous brièvement vous présenter et nous raconter d’où vous êtes venue cette passion pour la pêche ?

Paul: I am 27 years old and I am from Carcassonne. The passion for fishing comes to me since I was little (5 or 6 years).

It was my grandfather who passed the gene on to me. I accompanied him in the river for coarse fishing sessions (carp-roach-bleak…) but also at sea when he still had a boat.

So I spent all my summers fishing for mullet and goby in the harbor and participating in bluefin tuna fishing competitions.

Mathilde: Originally from the Toulouse suburbs, I am also 27 years old and I am a nurse. My first contact with sport fishing was made thanks to Paul 5 years ago.

At the beginning of our relationship I followed him during his outings and then quickly I wanted to try to catch my first fish. At first, I only wanted to do small perch or trout but very quickly that was not enough for me and I started looking for pike and black bass.

Today, fishing is a way for you to ...

It is first of all a pretext to travel (Europe, America…), and to discover other cultures. But also to question the environment which surrounds us, the state of the current world and our way of life. Share good times with friends (fishermen or not).

It is also an opportunity to combine it with other activities (kayaking, hiking, etc.).

What fishing techniques do you practice near the water?

We mainly practice fishing with lures but we also have the opportunity to fish with bait when it is suitable.

We briefly tried fly fishing (especially Paul), but never dwelled on it yet.

What is your favorite fishing?

Our favorite type of fishing is cast and retrieve lure fishing, from the shore or from a boat. It is a fun and active fishing, which allows us to be always on the move. We love it because it also prompts us to think constantly.

Indeed, we are always looking for the best way that can help us to deceive the vigilance of the predators we are tracking.

Do you have a favorite fish?

Mathilde: I tend to say that my favorite fish is the perch because it is this species that made me love fishing. But it is difficult to name just one. I generally like to look for small, very aggressive fish (pagres, trevally, bonefish). Even if I am very happy when I come across a beautiful specimen.

Paul: I am unable to give a preference for a species, as each has its particularities. In mainland France, I looked for pike and black bass a lot, but I like perch, trout, pike perch, chub and catfish just as much.

Since we have been in Guadeloupe, we have met many others. The tarpon is perhaps the one that fascinates me the most but there is also the bonefish, the snook, the trevally… Not to mention the species that we encountered while traveling (peacock, rooster, swordfish…)

Can you tell us about your background and the genesis of Mr and Mrs Fish?

We are both nurses. We lived for a few years in Toulouse where we started to travel together for fishing (Ireland, Mexico, Spain).

Then we decided to change our place of life by settling in Guadeloupe since the end of 2018. This is where fishing has taken an even more important place in our life.

We immediately joined the Guadeloupe Pêche Passion association where we met fishermen who are now our friends. “Mr and Mrs Fish” was born on Instagram by Mathilde's initiative in January 2019. It fits well with our common desire to share our passion.

Can you tell us a little more about fishing in Guadeloupe? What do you think makes this region so exceptional?

In our opinion, the main wealth of Guadeloupe is its diversity. As much in landscape and environment: lagoon, mangrove, flats, cliffs, beaches, canals, ports, rivers, wide…. than in the types of fish possible to catch, including many flagship species of sport fishing: tarpon, snook, bonefish, trevally, tuna, dolphinfish, etc.

Then, its second asset is its accessibility. We mainly fish from the shore or in an inflatable kayak. In fact, it is “easy” to come to Guadeloupe and fish by yourself, without necessarily having to get on a boat.

And of course, finally, the tropical climate and the beauty of this Caribbean island give this region a little taste of paradise.

Vous rédigez beaucoup dans le cadre de votre blog, de votre sponsor Way of Fishing ou encore pour le magazine Partir Pêche où l’on vous a récemment remarqué dans un article. Est-ce quelque chose que vous aimez faire en parallèle de vos sessions de pêche ?

Mathilde: Indeed, we enjoy writing to tell about our fishing adventures. It was Paul who started in 2016 by opening the blog “esprit-tubal” with Jean-Marc and Benoit, his two fishing friends. Then recently, we have the opportunity to write for the magazine “Partir Pêcher” and the blog of our sponsor “Way of Fishing”, Which allows us to deal with particular subjects such as technique or equipment.

You recently went to the Amazon for peacock bass fishing. What were your impressions after this trip?

Exceptional, we loved it!
As for the fishing the water level was correct which allowed us to find active fish every day. The discovery with the famous peacock bass lived up to our expectations. It is a real, very powerful and beautiful sport fishing fish.

On the environmental side, it was a wonderful discovery. The Amazon is a very rich region, we were able to hear and observe a large number of animals (macaw, green woodpeckers, howler monkeys, caimans…).
The locals are very welcoming. They have a totally different way of life from ours, they live along the river.

Do you have any other fishing trips in the pipeline?

We haven't decided anything yet for 2020 but a number of destinations are on our travel list: Guyana for the Aimara, Florida, Latin America, South America for the Dorado, Canada… This is obviously a non-exhaustive list. All destinations interest us.
We want to discover as many species and cultures as possible.

Any future projects you would like to tell us about?

For the moment we want to continue to discover Guadeloupe because we are far from having seen everything.
Then we want to continue our explorations of the neighboring islands (Dominique, Désirade, Marie-Galante,…). In this regard we plan to share with you detailed reports about the fishing on these little bits of land. We then want to continue writing for “Partir Pêcher”.

And finally, we got involved with an environmental association (Team River Clean) to organize actions in the hope of raising the awareness of as many people as possible about waste collection.

Any fishing anecdote to tell us about Mr and Mrs Fish during one of your many sessions?

Hmmm .. There are a lot of them but here is a recent one and rather funny.
Mathilde: I happen to be head in the air, it is in my temperament of life on a daily basis and it happens frequently so when fishing ... I flutter a little.
First day of fishing on the Rio Juma in the Amazon. Late morning, I lack concentration and throw into a tree 3m high ... I unhook and bring back. I start again… in the same tree, always so concentrated… A blow of the tip to avoid the branch, the lure falls a little at random and boom, a magnificent Tucunaré comes to catch it! Under the stunned looks of Paul and David our guide, I put a beautiful 6 kg Paca Açu dry.

A message to pass on to people who would like to discover fishing in Guadeloupe?

Guadeloupe is a superb destination for exotic fishing. It is a trip which remains financially accessible depending on the period and which can be suitable for a family stay, as a couple or between friends.

Do not hesitate to contact us on the networks if you want more precise information (Mr and Mrs Fish on Facebook or Instagram). We like to interact with the fishermen passing through the island and why not share a session together.

The Rodmaps team and Mr and Mrs Fish!

We can also advise you on boat trips with the great fishing guides who are based here.


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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