Carnivore fishing on Lake Pareloup

Le magnifique lac de Pareloup est un plan d’eau de plaine d’altitude est situé au cœur de la région naturelle du Lévézou (au cœur de l’Aveyron).c’est un véritable paradis pour les pêcheurs de carnassiers : imaginez plutôt, 1200ha de superficie, une profondeur moyenne d’environ 15m et des populations importantes de sandres, perches et brochets records en font un des meilleurs plans d’eau français pour pêcher le carnassiers.  Pour ceux qui le souhaitent, je suis en mesure de vous proposer un perfectionnement dans la technique de votre choix (verticale, linéaire…).

Information about your guide


A native of Aveyron, I've been a passionate angler for over 30 years. This department has an exceptional wealth of fish, with 7,000km of rivers and more than 40 lakes, making it one of France's top destinations for leisure fishing.

Based on this observation and working as a trainer at the Maison Familiale de Naucelle, in 2003 I developed a training course (BPJEPS recreational fishing) to combine the potential of the region and my passion. Today, I'd like to put my skills at the service of those who want to learn or improve their skills in stalking carnivorous fish in reservoirs.

Languages spoken French, English, Español

Video presentation

  • What's included
  • Supervision by a professional
  • Fishing tackle: rods and reels
  • Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
  • Travel to the fishing site
  • Fully equipped and secure boat
  • Meals / drinks / snacks
  • What to expect
  • Fishing licence
  • Fishing clothing
  • Hosting

The detailed programme

Vous embarquerez sur un bateau TRAKER PRO TEAM 175 équipé des technologies LOWRANCE et HUMMINBIRD  et utiliserez du matériel haut de gamme (PEZON et MICHEL) sélectionné et adapté aux techniques choisies.

The themes presented below provide examples of the techniques we can use:

Perch with swimming fish

The end of summer is often a time of euphoric feeding for perch. I suggest you take advantage of this to try some really fun fishing using small swimming fish.

Sandres et perches aux leurres souples linéaires, drop shot…

These fun summer techniques involve fishing shallow areas where fish are located after their spawning period. Carried out with light tackle and suitable mountings, they make for great fun fishing, and often result in one catch after another.

Pike with swimming fish and soft lures

The use of hard lures (swimming fish) opens up new horizons. Here's a chance to discover all the subtleties. The use of lipless, crank bait, swin bait and other swimming fish will no longer hold any secrets for you. 

Vertical pike-perch

Vertical fishing will give you the chance to discover a meticulous technique, full of subtleties, that will enable you to flush out predators in the sometimes overcrowded depths of our waters. We'll look at the choice of lures, the weights to use and prospecting methods. 

Perch and pike-perch with paddle lead, vibrating blade and metal jig.

Come and discover or rediscover some age-old techniques of undeniable effectiveness, brought up to date to optimise your fishing. I'll explain when and how to use the different rigs and animations.

Further information


Half day1 day2 days
1 person140€ / person230€ 360€
2 persons110€ / pers180€ / person300€ / person
3 people90€ / person140€ / person240€ / person

Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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