
When is the best time of day to fish? Timetables and tips for successful fishing

If there is no closely established truth as to what the best time of day for fishing, at Rodmaps, we know just how important timing is vital for a successful fishing session. Choosing the right moment can make all the difference. Here are some useful rules for maximise your chances of making a good catchwhatever the season.

What are the key moments of the day?

Most anglers are aware of this, but a reminder never hurts. As a general rule, the early and late hours of the day are often the best time of day for fishing. These very short periods have the particularity of having light that changes very quickly and are often linked to a peak in predator activity. By nature, predators tend to hunt more when visibility is reduced. Fish are no exception. As a result, Sunrise and sunset offer short (30 minutes to 1 hour) but extremely lucrative shooting windows for carnivorous fish.

We have found that this time of day is particularly favourable for sea bass fishing or for pike perch in freshwater.

This rule is especially true in summer. The higher the water temperature, the more judicious it becomes to opt for early morning or late evening sessions. These cooler hours are not only more pleasant for the angler, but also for the fish, which are trying to avoid the excessive heat.

In winter, however, when the water is very cold, give priority to the middle of the dayWhen the sun hits the water the hardest and heats it up, you can make a lot of money.

Here is a summary table of the best time of day to fish, depending on the season:

SeasonBest time of day for fishing
SpringMid-morning and afternoon
SummerSunrise and sunset
AutumnMiddle of the day
WinterMid-day (10am-4pm)

Even if it is prohibited in most French waterwaysLet's not forget that night fishing is an incredible time to fish. A counter-truth that we have experienced abroad, for example, is that the pikeparticularly the large ones, are particularly active during this time of day.

I'm not even talking about pike-perch in freshwater or sea bass at sea. Everyone knows that these fish hunt very well at night. For example, during our fishing trip to Guadeloupe, we had the opportunity to try our hand at fishing for tarpon at night. It was an unforgettable experience that gave us some great shots.

What influence do the seasons have on fish activity?

Each season brings its own set of changes that have a direct impact on fish behaviour.

Spring and autumn are generally considered to be the best seasons for predator fishing. Ideal temperatures, spawning season on the one hand, approaching winter on the other - these are all factors that optimise the activity of all predators. They offer optimum conditions for fishing for all types of predator, whether in the sea or in freshwater.

In spring, when the water gradually warms up, we have noticed that the warmest hours of the day (11am-3pm) can be particularly productive. This is the time of year when our predators resume their activity after spawning and the winter period.

Summer requires a different approach. The heat drives fish to seek cooler waters, more oxygenated and deeper. That's why we recommend :

  • Fishing in the early hours of the morning
  • Take a break during the hottest hours
  • Resume activity in the late afternoon and evening

Autumn often marks a return to activity for predators. With winter approaching, they start to build up their fat reserves and hunt more actively and for longer periods of the day.

Winter, although more difficult to fish, is not to be neglected. During this time of year, we're used to fishing in the middle of the day. The 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. slot should therefore be favoured. This time of day can offer you a great shooting window, particularly when the waters are cold and the sun is starting to beat down.

Other factors to take into account

Beyond the hours and seasons, other factors can influence fish activity and therefore the best time of day to catch them. These include 3 factors: changes in atmospheric pressure, light levels and the tide if you're fishing at sea.

Phases of atmospheric pressure change are generally very interesting times to fish. A drop in pressure before a disturbance can often trigger increased activity in the fish. It's the perfect time to try your luck!

Brightness is also an important consideration when you go fishing. Cloudy weather is often favourableespecially for pike fishing. Pike often become active at this time. The other way round, very clear weather, even blue skies, tend to stall fish. At least to sharpen their senses and make them more fearful.

If you're fishing in the Atlantic, or any ocean for that matter, the fundamental element to take into account is of course the tide. Rising or falling tides can be extremely productive depending on the location. Here are the times of day it's important to take into account before going fishing:

  1. The start of the rising tide activates the fish
  2. The end of the ebb tide concentrates prey and attracts predators
  3. High tidal coefficients generally amplify these effects

Adapt your techniques to the time of day and the season

At Rodmaps, we are convinced that success in fishing depends on the ability to adapt. Each time of day, each season requires a specific approach.

At sunrisewe often opt for surface lures like stickbaits or poppers. We took advantage of the poor visibility and the activity of the fish to attack them on the surface.

In the middle of the day, especially in summer, we usually fish deeper. Depending on the conditions, we use soft lures, crankbaits or jerkbaits to comb all the lower layers of water. The fish often take refuge in the cooler, deeper water when the sun is at its zenith.

In the evening, particularly in autumn, vertical or jerkbait fishing can give excellent results. These techniques allow you to target areas where predators are active at dusk.

Finally, note that some species have very specific habits. For example :

  • Pike are mainly caught in the morning or during the day on cloudy, windy days.
  • Trout are often more active in the early morning and late afternoon.
  • Pike-perch, which are particularly biting on hot summer nights
  • Black bass, which are active as soon as the water warms up
  • Perch gather in large shoals in autumn and become very aggressive as winter approaches.

Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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