Tag: start fishing

Stage de pêche des carnassiers en float-tube

Que ce soit en lacs de barrage, sur un plan d’eau ou en rivières, je vous propose de venir traquer sandres, brochets et perches à bord d’un float tube. Cette activité en plein essor représente un moyen unique de pratiquer la pêche sportive des carnassiers : mort manié, tirette, drop shot, poisson nageur, verticale, linéaire. Une pêche moderne, écologique...

Tanguy Marlin, a life dedicated to fishing

Discover the interview with Tanguy Marlin, Product Manager / Product Manager at Sert / Sakura and emblematic figure of lure fishing in France. Tanguy is indeed a great competitor and has participated for years in the great revolutions we have known in France in terms of ...

Casting or spinning: which choice to adopt?

Many of you are wondering how to choose between a casting or a spinning set. These two types of ensemble present in fact two styles but also different fishing techniques. To help you better understand the key features and benefits of a casting or spinning rod, here is a ...

Start lure fishing: Which lures to take in your box?

Lure fishing is an increasingly popular style of fishing and very popular among many anglers, especially the younger ones. With the variety of brands, styles, colors and materials available, starting lure fishing is now accessible to ...