Stage de pêche des carnassiers en float-tube
Que ce soit en lacs de barrage, sur un plan d’eau ou en rivières, je vous propose de venir traquer sandres, brochets et perches à bord d’un float tube. Cette activité en plein essor représente un moyen unique de pratiquer la pêche sportive des carnassiers : mort manié, tirette, drop shot, poisson nageur, verticale, linéaire. Une pêche moderne, écologique...
Start lure fishing: Which lures to take in your box?
Lure fishing is an increasingly popular style of fishing and very popular among many anglers, especially the younger ones. With the variety of brands, styles, colors and materials available, starting lure fishing is now accessible to ...
Snook: The black line in the blue paradise.
Hello to all our readers! We are going to tell you about a fish much sought after in the world for its power, curiosity and beauty. The “Centropomus indecimalis”, commonly called: “SNOOK”. It is present on the American Atlantic coast from North Carolina to southern Brazil, in ...
Fishing trip: How to prepare for your trip with peace of mind?
That's it ! You finally have in your possession the sum necessary to make one of your biggest dreams come true: going on a fishing trip! If your destination is no longer in doubt, you are still wondering about the guide or the organization you ...