Categories: Fishing guide

Fishing for wild trout and grayling in the Loire and Haute-Loire

La pêche en dérive aux appâts naturels (toc modern), when practised carefully and thoroughly can be very subtle and, despite its effectiveness, very respectful of the fish, which is always caught on the edge of the mouth and can therefore be returned to the water in very good conditions. For the general public fishing with natural bait is less spectacular than the fly fishingI'm not talking about silk majestically unfurling in the air or noisy gobbling, but rather about discovering all the subtleties of silk and the pleasure it can bring you.

Information about your guide


J’ai découvert la pêche à l’âge de 7 ans et en ai fait aujourd’hui une activité professionnelle. Titulaire d’un BP JEPS spécialité pêche de loisirs, guide depuis 2015, moniteur de l’atelier pêche nature de la Haute Vallée de la Loire, je transmet ma passion pour la nature, les poissons, et les subtilités pour mieux les leurrer.
For me, fishing is a real source of joy, happiness and balance, through the sensations it brings, in the nature that we borrow from our children.

Languages spoken French, English

  • What's included
  • Supervision by a professional
  • Fishing tackle: rods and reels
  • Consumables: frames, lures, etc.
  • Bait
  • Travel to the fishing site
  • Camera
  • What to expect
  • Fishing licence
  • Meals / drinks / snacks
  • Fishing clothing
  • Waders

The detailed programme

The rivers in this part of the Haute-Loire, typical of the Massif Central, are granite and have a characteristic tea colour. Trout are a magnificent yellow. What's more, the density of fish is high, allowing beginners to hit fish quickly and learn how to detect bites. 

We'll be fishing with natural bait on public sectors, open to all and managed in a heritage way by the local AAPPMA. Depending on the season, current weather conditions and your wishes or expectations, I'll be able to suggest a course to suit you.


– Découvrir le matériel adapté aux conditions de pêche

– Découverte d’un lieu de pêche

– Construction d’une ligne de pêche avec toute l’importance que comporte la plombée.

– Gestuelle et placement par rapport au poste pêché pour un passage de ligne le meilleur possible

– Analyse des différents appâts naturels disponibles et de leurs conditions d’utilisation.

– Passer un bon moment au bord de l’eau, dans la convivialité

Further information


1/2 dayDay2 days or more
1 person100€165€On request
2 persons75€110€On request
"Father and son or grandfather and grandson120€180€On request

Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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