Black bass fishing guide

Originally from North America, the black bass was the first carnivorous fish to be introduced to France at the end of the 19th century. Since then, it has become perfectly acclimatised to our waters and is now one of the most sought-after fish for lure anglers. This king of fish attracts many anglers because of its worldwide reputation, but above all because of its wary nature, its power, its fighting spirit and its incredible jumps, which have nothing to envy its neighbour the pike. There are a number of techniques available for fishing black bass: surface lure, waki, spinnerbait, jerkbait, Texan, jig, etc. It's up to you to choose the ones that suit the eating habits or aggressiveness of the black bass, depending on the conditions. It's true that black bass are not always easy to seduce. To get a better understanding of this fish, its habitat, habits and behaviour, it's best to get in touch with a black bass fishing guide. In the company of a black bass fishing guide, you'll be able to use a whole host of techniques to hope to catch this fabulous fish. Always on the lookout for record-breaking black bass and adrenalin, while of course remaining respectful of their opponents, you can learn to fish for black bass with professionals for whom this fish holds virtually no secrets. Whether you're fishing with a surface lure, jig, swimfish or fly, in lakes or rivers, in France or Spain, Rodmaps has the black bass fishing guide to meet your needs.

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